The Ex-Bedeian Association of St. Bede’s College was registered in June, 2013 under the HP Societies Registration Act, 2006, with the following aims and objectives:
- To have an active and visible participation of the Ex-Bedeians
- To institute scholarship to bring the marginalized students into mainstream
- To promote the vision of the college motto, “Not For Ourselves Alone”
- To implement various projects and schemes sponsored by the state and central governments in the sector of social welfare, rural development, human development, etc.
The Alumnae Association works to strengthen ties between the college and the alumnae. Regular meetings are conducted wherein the members interact with one another on issues pertaining to the progress of the college.
EBA is a source of support and inspiration for the students and staff of the college. Our alumnae include famous personalities in the films, journalism, administration, teaching, army, police and sports at both state and national levels. They guide and inspire our students while sharing with them their early experiences as students and later ones as professionals.
In order to strengthen their association, we request ex-Bedeians to join the EBA in large numbers by filling in the registration form through the given link:
Composition of the Ex-Bedeian Association
The governing body of the alumnae association of St. Bede’s College typically includes the President, Vice -President, General Secretary, Treasurer, College Convenor and five members. These are either elected by the alumnae or nominated by the Principal for a term of 3 years.
Our present EBA has the following members
- Prof. Sr. Molly Abraham : Principal, St. Bede’s College
- Dr. Purnima Chauhan : President
- Ms. Sheetal Vyas : Acting General Secretary
- Ms. Guneet Kaur : Treasurer
- Dr. Deepti Pajni : Convenor
- Dr. Gitanjali Mahendra : Member
- Ms. Devyani Goyal. : Member
- Ms. Nupur Sood. : Member
- Ms. Anjali. : Member
- Admiral of the College : Member
- Activities 2023-24
- Activities 2022-23
- Activities 2021-22
- Activities 2020-21
- Activities 2019-20
- Activities 2018-19
- Activities 2017-18
Minutes of the Meeting
- Minutes of the Meeting 2022-23
- Minutes of the Meeting 2021-22
- Minutes of the Meeting 2020-21
- Minutes of the Meeting 2019-20
- Minutes of the Meeting 2018-19
Minutes of the Meeting(New)
- Minutes of the Meeting 2023-24
- Minutes of the Meeting 2022-23
- Minutes of the Meeting 2021-22
- Minutes of the Meeting 2019-20
- Minutes of the Meeting 2018-19