OBC Cell
The establishment of the OBC Cell, initiated following a recommendation from the Internal
Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), reflects a deep commitment to addressing the unique
challenges and concerns encountered by OBC (Other Backward Classes) students. The core
mission of the OBC Cell is to create an inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment
within the institution, designed to uplift OBC students. This entails providing them with
essential resources, guidance, and opportunities to excel academically, make informed career
choices, and ensure their overall well-being.
The OBC Cell operates with the following key objectives:
1. Promoting Educational Equality: The foremost objective of the OBC Cell is to
actively promote and ensure equal educational opportunities for OBC students within
the institution.
2. Counseling and Guidance: The cell is dedicated to offering counseling and guidance
services to OBC students, aiding them in effectively managing the academic and
personal challenges of college life.
3. Creating a Safe and Inclusive Environment: The OBC Cell is committed to
establishing a safe and inclusive environment where every OBC student feels secure
and can fully engage in college life.
4. Emotional Support: Prompt counseling and support are readily available through the
OBC Cell for any emotional emergencies arising from campus events, ensuring the
overall well-being of OBC students. It also serves as a grievance redressal
mechanism, ensuring that any concerns or grievances voiced by OBC students are
heard and appropriately resolved.
5. Facilitating Financial Support: Another vital function of the cell is to facilitate
financial assistance for students from OBC communities. This includes assisting them
in accessing funding from governmental agencies and various other sources to help
alleviate financial burdens on their educational journey.
Committee Members
Dr. Gitanjali Mahendra (Faculty)
Sr. Dr. P. Mary Santhi (Faculty)
Mr. Bhupinder (Office Staff)